Adam Hoffritz BA

Cartographer, GIS specialist

Address: Sundaborg 1, 104 Reykjavík. tel: 693-7992. e-mail:

Adam Hoffritz finished a BA degree from the University of Iceland in 2012 and is currently enrolled in a MS in Environmental and Natural Resoures. He is a cartographer by trade and a GIS specialist. Adam worked for the Master plan for Nature Protection and Energy Utilization where he made a variety of maps and oversaw the master plan‘s gis database. He has been a part of a research project on landscape and wilderness in Iceland for the University if Iceland. The project's goal was to develope methods for mapping landscape and wilderness for planning purposes and to be able to evaluate the value of natural areas as was done in the Master plan for Nature Protection and Energy Utilization.



Þorleifur Eiríksson o.fl. 2017. Viðbótarframleiðsla laxa fiskeldis ehf. á 10.000 tonnum af laxi í sjókvíum í Reyðarfirði. Mat á umhverfisáhrifum. Frummatsskýrsla. Rorum og Laxar ehf.

         An EIA report for fish farming in Reyðarfjörður, a fjord in the east of Iceland. The report can be downloaded from             here.

Þorvarður Árnason, David Ostman and Adam Hoffritz. 2017. Kortlagning víðerna á miðhálendi Íslands: Tillögur að nýrri aðferðafræði. Rannsóknasetur Háskóla Íslands á Hornafirði. The report is in Icelandic and can be downloaded from here.

A report presenting a new gis based method to map wilderness. Every building in the icelandic central highlands is evaluated using several criterias including size in square meters and visibility. Based on that a wilderness impact factor is calculated. The factor determines how much each building reduces wilderness. 


Adam Hoffritz, David Ostman and Þorvarður Árnason. 2016. Landslagsflokkun með vettvangsgögnum og stafrænum aðferðum. Rannsóknasetur Háskóla Íslands á Hornafirði. The report is in Icelandic and can be downloaded from here.

A report presenting landscape research conducted to gather landscape data for The Icelandic Master Plan for Nature Protection and Energy utilization. The report presents the results from both field based method and a new GIS based landmape mapping. 


Cartography (maps) and geographical datasets. 

Íslenska sjómannaalmannakið 2018, gefið út af Myllusetrinu.

Fiskeldi Austfjarða. 2017. Frummatsskýrsla vegna eldis á allt að 21.000 tonnum af laxi í Berufirði og Fáskrúðsfirði. Framleiðsluaukning um 10.000 tonn. Mat á umhverfisáhrifum – frummatsskýrsla. 

Viðhorf ferðamanna til raflína í náttúru Íslands eftir Þorkel Stefánsson og Önnu Dóru Sæþórsdóttur. 2017. Kortið er: 2. mynd. Gagnastöfnunarstaðir og hluti þeirra virkjunarkosta sem fjallað var um í 3. áfanga rammaáætlunar. Náttúrufræðingurinn 87. árg. 1.-2. hefti 2017.

Virkjun Svartár í uppnámi. News article about a conflict between a potential hydro dam and a potential conservation area. 

Lokaskýrsla verkefnisstjórnar 3. áfanga verndar- og orkunýtingaráætlunar 2013-2017. 2016. Stefán Gíslason (ristj). Verkfnisstjórn 3. áfanga verndar- og orkunýtingaráætlunar og Umhvefis- og auðlindaráðuneytinu. ISBN – 978-9935-9143-5-4.  The report is in Icelandic and can be downloaded from here

The final report from the The Icelandic Master Plan for Nature Protection and Energy utilization presenting. 

Maps and geographical information data from the 3. phase ofThe Icelandic Master Plan for Nature Protection and Energy utilization 3. áfanga verndar- og orkunýtingaráætlunar (Rammaáætlun). The data is on the website Gögn úr vinnu faghópa inn á Everything is in icelandic.