
Aqua-Ice (Aquaculture Conference Iceland) is a two day, annual, conference and exhibition for the aquaculture industry neant to be a platform for stakeholders and to meet and disvuss important industry-related issues of common interest. 

Aqua-Ice is organized by "Strandbúnaður", a non-profit organization of whitch RORUM is one of the founding companies. 

Thorleifur Eiríksson was a part of the board of administration and was voted as chairman of the board for 2018. 

Two Reasercers from RORUM held lectures at the conference:


Anna Guðrún Edvardsdóttir: "Heildræn áhrif fiskeldis - umhverfi, efnahagur, samfélag og menning." (Icelandic)

Eva Dögg Jóhannesdóttir fjallaði um: "Tíðni og þéttni lúsa á villtum laxfiskum á Vestfjörðum." (Icelandic)

Thorleifur Eiríksson was also a maneger of one of the seminars "Heilbrigði í strandbúnaði - verk og vitundarvakning".